antizoomby (antizoomby) wrote,

Фашистская оккупация Альбукерке.

Альбукерке (Нью-Мексико), 30-31 марта 2014 года.

Amazing images coming from @rosalesquique of the #APDProtest

Beautiful People, Beautiful Cause #OpAlbuquerque

Demonstrators walk up Central Ave toward roadblock being built by APD

#APDProtest with #Anonymous back by @UNM. @DailyLobo @YourAnonNews @AnonyInfo @AnonOpsLegion #OpAlbuquerque

All we want is #Justice. #APD in full riot gear in front of #UNM protest #Albuquerque #Anonymous #OpAlbuquerque

This looks incredibly intense RT @ChloeHenson5: APD protestors stop under i-25 on central @DailyLobo

#LIVE #OpAlbuquerque Via @NewsRevo  #Anonymous #APD #FTP

Protest meets with #apd @krqe @krqecole @ChrisMcKeeTV @KRQE_Daniel

Protest meets with #apd @krqe @krqecole @ChrisMcKeeTV @KRQE_Daniel

Protest meets with #apd @krqe @krqecole @ChrisMcKeeTV @KRQE_Daniel

Getting real in Abq now RT @ChrisRenn: @YourAnonNews #APDprotest

Getting ready to fire the tear gas! STAND TOGETHER DO NOT DIVIDE! #OpAlbuquerque end #PoliceBrutality

Protestors are now sitting along the front line 6th between Lomas and Roma. #APDProtest @KOB4

@YourAnonNews #apdprotest

Protestors at apd sub station on central and girard. @DailyLobo

#albuquerque #OpAlbuquerque has Shut the freeway down … @LeeCamp @rustyrockets @davidVdegraw

“@OpAlbuquerque: Great pic representing #OpAlbuquerque #APDProtest” that's the sickest picture ever.

Scarves and t-shirts in case of tear gas #APDProtest @KOB4

This is my city right now. #APDProtest

US calls for regime change when other nations do this MT @rosalesquique: #apd just threw #tear gas every1 is running

Just tear gassed. Downtown 5th and Roma. Cannot see #APDProtest

Expanded @DailyLobo photo gallery ( ) of today's #APDProtest with #Anonymous. #OpAlbuquerque

From #APDprotest: Riot Police via @OpAlbuquerque on his noblest white steed clad in war armor (please meme widely)

Protest almost into its 12th hour. Now at 4th and Central. Cars honking in support. @KOATLiveUpdates #apdprotest

Tear gas at Albuquerque in protest over shooting of homeless by police #US #apdprotest

This is what it looked like about an hour ago after #APD fired #teargas on #APDProtest folks #ABQ #NM

#APDProtest resumes today... #Anonymous #OpAlbuquerque

Protester stand there ground with riot police #APDProtest #Anonymous #OpAlbuquerque

Hourslong protest turns to mayhem in Albuquerque

#Albuquerque security forces use tear gas on raging protesters after fatal police shooting

Protester faces riot police in Albuquerque in demonstration over police shootings.

Tear gas fills streets of Albuquerque in protest over shooting of homeless man by police.

Protesters hum as swat gets ready to fire tear gas #apd @DailyLobo

____________ ____________

Tags: США, демократия, полиция, протесты, расстрелы

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