8 декабря около задания Купер Юнион группа активистов «Free Cooper Union» и её сторонники провели митинг под лозунгом: «Свободное образование — для всех!»

Our banner is back out! FREE EDUCATION TO ALL!
@freecooperunion #yes had great time chatting today! #freeeducation #freecooperunion keep your head up! #sm

"Education is a right, fight, fight, fight!" @FreeCooperUnion

Here they come!

Cooper Alumni speak-out with unreserved support for student protests and CU's mission statement #savecooper

"The Cooper Union" in the background, @FreeCooperUnion in the foreground.

Art students make the best banners! RT @OccupyRhetoric A close-up of the banner drops at Cooper Union

CUNY Grad Center: We support the demand for President Bharucha to step down! #savecooper

Protest for Cooper Union

Dancing and chanting: NOT NOT COOL, TO PAY FOR SCHOOL

@FreeCooperUnion: Sarah Cooper is Angry... #GenerateKindness

Shoutout to my SISTERS FOR A FREE COOPER UNION from the 8th floor! Love you! —@CaseyG

Thanks to East Village! RT @BrownBattery: @FreeCooperUnion stay strong! Solidarity and thanks from EV community below

79 YEARS after graduating, Mel (A'33) & Sheryl London (A'46) came to wish the protesters success.